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    To provide the robust infrastructure that the OWT industry needs

    To allow tenants to benefit from economies of scale by creating a truly integrated offshore wind cluster

    To play a pivotal role in accelerating offshore wind installation rates and achieve vital cost reductions

    Land is available for development immediately and the first quays will become available in 2017.

    AHP’s on-site rail link provides direct access to TATA Scunthorpe Steel Mill which kicks out enough steel to make 490 Eiffel Towers per year. TATA’s wind turbine tower steel plate facility is located here.

    AHP is situated on the widest estuary the UK has to offer. The Humber’s natural characteristics offer a sheltered harbour location with two deep water channels providing quick and unhindered access to the open seas. Humber Estuary – Key Marine Information

    No air draft restrictions from Humber Ports to the North Sea.
    The River Humber ‘Sunk Channel’ is -9.5m CD (180m wide).
    The River Humber ‘Grimsby Roads Channel’ is -6m CD (660m wide).
    Mean High Water Neap (MHWN) is 5.8m CD.
    Mean Low Water Neap (MLWN) is 2.6m CD.
    The tidal range between ‘neaps’ is 3.2m.
    Mean High Water Spring (MHWS) is 7.3m CD.
    Mean Low Water Spring (MLWS) is 0.9m CD.
    The tidal range between ‘springs’ is 6.4m.
    Current Flow – average 4 knots
    Width – vessels can pass
    Pilot exemption certificates available
    Ro-ro’s available within 2km – adjacent Humber Sea Terminal; DFDS (Immingham) and ABP (Immingham)